Laptop free weekend

I am about to start my laptop free weekend.

It's been a while since I have had one of those, so I'm kinda scared, but I think I will be ok...


Random said…
All weekend? Seriously?

Good luck! ;o)
Anonymous said…
I know.. scary.. I resorted to check mails on my phone.. ha ha .. talk about addiction. And I was away only for like 12 hours!!
Natazzz said…
Thanks guys for making me feel less like a total geek ;-)

Glad to let you know I survived...who knew the world kept turning when you leave your laptop and go out into the real world...
Spoil Myself said…
glad to see you survived, but weekends last 48 hrs according to my book *g
Natazzz said…
Oh c'mon, it was hard enough for those...32 hours LOL.