
Showing posts from February, 2009

Enjoying boring “grown up” things

Don’t see it: The fine art of love

YouTube Thursday: My favourite food shows

We are everywhere

Why did I watch Episode 6.06 of the L word?

An oldie but a goodie: Desert Hearts

Song of the week: Relationship by Pil and Liv

Dollhouse: Are you a fan yet?

YouTube Thursday: Favourite French and Saunders spoofs

Cute little drugged out lesbians on Skins

Why I loved Episode 6.05 of the L word

Lesbian storyline on Los Hombres de Paco

Song of the week: Somebody told me by the Killers

What are you doing for Valentine’s day?

TV shows you should own on DVD: Twin Peaks

YouTube Thursday: the best of Los Hombres de Paco

You should see it: Unveiled (Fremde Haut)

Complaining about Episode 6.04 of the L word

When did I become a complaining adult?

Song of the week: Clumsy Sky by Girl in A coma

Laptop free weekend

Rachel Maddow: Do her or be her?

Music Memory Moment: Nirvana-Where did you sleep last night

YouTube Thursday: Straight folks singing about lesbians and lesbianism

Blog crush: Spitzle the Clown

Questions about Episode 6.03 of the L word

You should read it: Het Elfde Gebod by Peter Jaspers

Song of the week: Geraldine by Glasvegas