I’m always hot

Get your mind out of the gutter, I do not mean it in that way. I just always feel warm, even when it isn’t a hot summer day, even when I am not even doing anything, even in winter. Well, most of the time anyways.

It always surprises me how many women always complain about being cold. I honestly do not understand it. How can you feel cold when it isn’t cold at all? I guess that is easy for me to say seeing as I hardly ever get cold, but still.

Many women are also cursed with cold hands and feet. Now I have to say, because I am always hot cold hands can be really nice sometimes. However, I haven’t been able to find anything positive about cold feet yet.

Where am I going with this? I intended to just write about the fact I am always hot, not complain about girls being cold. It is funny though, sometimes.

Whenever I hang out with both male and female friends, I notice it is usually the women putting on sweaters and coats, while the guys and I just keep going in our t-shirts without noticing the apparent cold at all.

How does that work exactly, that some people feel cold quicker than others? Is it physiologically or just mental? I find it fascinating. Well, perhaps I am slightly exaggerating, but still I would like to know. Can anyone tell me?
