Bonekickers: Awesome new TV series

This week a new drama series debuted on BBC one called Bonekickers. It is about this group of archaeologists who dig up all kinds of exciting stuff…Yep, you read it correctly, a drama series about archaeologists.

It shows the world that archaeology is not boring and dorky, but actually really quite cool and exciting.

Bonekickers is like a cross between CSI, a good British detective show, and something exciting, unusual and strange like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Indiana Jones.

Yeah, I know, it might sound weird, but it is hard to come up with the right comparisons. All I am trying to say is, it is a mixture of many different TV shows that I love…and well, I thought it was awesome.

In the first episode, the archaeologists are called to a building site where they found some old coins in the ground. Once they start digging, they find lots of stuff in the ground there, including lots of human bones and swords.
It looks like a huge battle took place there…a very long time ago. In fact, about 2000 years ago. They find remains of what looks like the Knights Templar who supposedly carried religious artefacts from Jerusalem to somewhere else.

That is when a few religious fanatics become very interested. Religious fanatics is an understatement, as it includes one guy who believes the world would be a better place if it only included devote Christians and his main agenda is to get rid of all Muslims.

He also has two brainwashed devotees ready to play the armed servants of God, complete with ancient swords. They start harassing a group of Muslim students, and one of them eventually even beheads one of the students.

They also break into one of the archaeologist’s houses, as well as into the university where all the findings are stored. Eventually the two crazies together with their leader follow the archaeologists to an ancient tomb filled with religious treasures.

What follows is an Indiana Jones type scene in which the archaeologists can luckily escape while the creepy religious guys get set on fire.

This kind of plot development made me go AWESOME, while many TV critics proclaimed the series was total crap. They deemed it unbelievable. I agree, but who cares.

I love shows that combine reality with fantasy. Moreover, the show had me captivated and entertained for a full hour. How many TV series can really do that?

Bonekickers: Awesome or total crap? Watch it next week and make up your own mind.
