
Showing posts from May, 2009

Song of the week: Compass rose by Chris Pureka

One more reason to love Eliza Dushku


Lesbians’ negative obsession with bisexual women

YouTube Thursday: girls kissing

The art of being straight

The 100 hottest women from Germany according to BILD magazine

Song of the week: Send me you by the Butchies

TV series you should own on DVD: V

Twitter: A fun little obsession

YouTube Thursday: Bad tunes I loved as a kid

Deadly Dress 4: Never a Bride

Ellen Degeneres' awesome commencement speech

Random questions

Eurovision…some thoughts and observations

IDAHO 2009: One voice, one message, from all around the world

Song of the week: the Sun by Soap and Skin

AfterEllen’s Hot 100: My thoughts

YouTube Thursday Part II: I'm your man (from the International Day of Femslash)

YouTube Thursday: Eurovision favourites

More talk about labels: Butch and Femme

Why you should be watching Los Hombres de Paco

Song of the week: Metallica - Nothing else matters

Is this my personal diary?

Random facts about me – Part III

The Big Fat Gay Collab saying Fuck You!

YouTube Thursday: Awesome eighties cartoons