
Showing posts from October, 2008

My first experience with internet dating

YouTube Thursday: Favourite Ellen moments

Is there anything not on Wikipedia?

Movies I’ve seen too many times: Pretty Woman

Whatever happened to…Alex Parks?

Song of the week: D12-How come

There once was a land called Callica…

That’s a very feminine handbag

YouTube Thursday: Favourite good bad movies

How to make fake blood

TV shows you should own on DVD: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Lesbians on your TV this week...

Song of the week: Closer to nowhere-Jen Foster

Moving and awesome new apartments

Good bad or just bad horror movies: Venom

YouTube Thursday: No on Proposition 8 ads

Fucking Amal: A GOOD lesbian movie

Moving hell

Song of the week: Those three days-Lucinda Williams

Because you’re hot: Sarah Bettens

Don’t see it: Drive thru

YouTube Thursday: Cool Dutch Artists

This week in gay news…

Battlestar Galactica Rocks

Whatever happened to…: Transvision Vamp

Song of the week: L word Serenade by Beck D

One of my favourite books reviewed

YouTube Thursday: We’re getting nowhere tribute

You should see it: Clownhouse