A few cool updates..

Here are a few updates of some of the cool web related stuff I've been busy with lately.

First of all, there's a new Rainbow Duo cartoon out entitled Love is..
You can read all of our cartoons here.

My awesome girlfriend also released her third iPhone app recently. How cool is that!
It's called Recurring Tasks and it's, as the name already gives away, a handy gadget to keep track of all those tasks you have to perform a lot, like paying bills, changing the sheets or renewing subscriptions.
If you're interested in her other iPhone apps, you can find out more about them here.

This year I said goodbye to (hosting) the LGBT Reading Challenge, but I am still taking part in a reading challenge. This time it's a more general reading challenge - hosted by Book after Book - and all I have to do is try to read a lot and write about it.
So far I've only managed to do the reading part, but I hope to get around to writing some book review soon.

When I'm not reading, I spent way too much time watching a large number of TV shows, so many in fact that I had to organize it somehow to keep track of everything. Find out what awesome series you've been missing out on. If you could also use some help to keep track of your TV shows, I recommend Sidereel. They also have an iPhone app that let's you know when a new episode of your fave shows will air.

Finally, since a few months I'm the proud owner of an iPad and I have to say I LOVE IT! It's at least ten times as awesome as I thought it would be. I spent a lot of time playing games on it (so much cooler than on the iPhone, because it's...well...bigger), but it's also great for reading.
iPad/iPhone game the Creeps
If you're looking for some great iPad games I recommend 4Seasons, the Sims - freewill, the Creeps, and Slay.
