British documentary Out At Lunch shows the lives of a group of lesbians at Cambridge

Whoever says that there’s not enough lesBian content, let alone European content, obviously doesn’t spend a lot of time on the internet. Because if you did, you would know there is tons of queer stuff out there.

Even more than lesBian content, there are eager artists and film makers waiting to show their projects to the world. The one thing that is usually lacking is not so much the willingness or the great ideas, but the lack of money to make it happen.


This is also the case with British documentary Out At Lunch, which follows a group of gay girls during their last days at Cambridge University. They have decided to have one final big lunch together to which they have invited all of their parents. Such an awesome idea, but also a very nerve wrecking and confrontational experience.

In Out At Lunch you can see the group of friends prepare for their family lunch event, all the while discussing topics such as being gay, coming out, friendship, parent-child relationships and the value of being true to yourself.

The documentary is currently in post-production and Life Slice Films, created by director Alisa Arnah and producer Emma Brogen, is still looking for donations to have enough money to finish the project and to make it available for the world to see. Luckily, they have already created a trailer, which shows you exactly what you can expect from this film.

Now doesn’t that look like the kind of documentary you would love to watch? I know that I do. I love seeing real lesbians experiencing and talking about every day things, or at least the kind of things that are recognisable to most of us. I can’t wait to watch the whole documentary, which should be ready for viewing by early next year.

This post was first published on eurOut.
